[CCU] #67 Escape The Neutral Zone

This issue: A dispatch from the Neutral Zone – how transition messes
with your plans and some thoughts on what helps and hurts.   


The online Career/Life/Work

For Creative, Eclectic,
Multitalented Professionals

From Lyle T. Lachmuth

Professional Genre


to subscribe? See that pretty graphic on the left? Fill in your name and e-mail , press the button, and Bob’s Your Uncle! 



          Last issue I wrote about Going
Sane. I naively believed that act of creative ‘exposure’ would move me past
The Neutral Zone. HA! I’m such a blooming Optimist.

          It’s been more ups. More downs. More
confusion. More pain. More puzzlement about what to share with you.



So, I decided – well am hoping – that\nsharing more of the struggles and successes that have marked this continuing\njourney might be helpful.\n\n


Let's get started . . .\n\n




Do you HATE those sales\npages that scream with YELLOW!\n


I know I do. But,\nwhat's a solo-professional to do when you really do need to sell your ideas,\nyourself, and your solutions?


\nHow about learning copywriting that\nworks from a guy who: a) really knows his stuff, b) because he's been a\nfreelance writer, and c) is a gentle supportive teacher and coach?\n\n


Take a look at this\nbrand N*E*W offering from my copy writing muse, Barry Morris.\n\n


Click here for Creating Irresistible Copy\n


\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d \n


As I said last time, The Neutral\nZone ain't so Neutral.\n\n


I share the following not because I want sympathy, sweets,\nor chocolates – I do J — but with the hope that these experiences\n\n”,1]


          So, I decided – well am hoping – that
sharing more of the struggles and successes that have marked this continuing
journey might be helpful.

Let’s get started . . .


Do you HATE those sales
pages that scream with YELLOW!

I know I do. But,
what’s a solo-professional to do when you really do need to sell your ideas,
yourself, and your solutions?   

How about learning copywriting that
from a guy who: a) really knows his stuff, b) because he’s been a
freelance writer, and c) is a gentle supportive teacher and coach?

Take a look at this
brand N*E*W offering from my copy writing muse, Barry Morris.

Click here for Creating Irresistible Copy



          As I said last time, The Neutral
Zone ain’t so Neutral.

          I share the following not because I want sympathy, sweets,
or chocolates – I do
— but with the hope that these experiences



Here's some things I've noticed as I've stumbled, leapt,\nshambled, zipped, through the past two weeks:\n\n


1) About THE\nExperience\n\n


How\ndo you know you're in Transition?\n\n


a) Emotions Ramp Up: Seriously, Transition shows up emotionally\nand psychologically for everyone! However, how YOU manifest that shift\nmight be different from how someone else does. Traditionally we 'see' women and\n'creatives' as emotional, even moody. That's because most women and most Creative\nprofessionals are in touch with their emotions and feelings. If you're a\nCreative professional, emotions are what inspire you, shape your 'art', drive\nyou — and drive you crazy!\n\n


That's\nthe 'crazy times' part of Transition. Transition sneaks 'under your Radar'. You\nfeel out of sorts, not 'normal'. But, you don't know what's wrong. You're edgy.\nThings that normally wouldn't bother you now irritate you!\n\n


You\nmight start snapping at people. You might have trouble sleeping. You could\nstart craving sweets, especially chocolate. All this makes you feel 'crazy'.\n\n”,1]


          Here’s some things I’ve noticed as I’ve stumbled, leapt,
shambled, zipped, through the past two weeks:

1) About THE

do you know you’re in Transition?

a) Emotions Ramp Up: Seriously, Transition shows up emotionally
and psychologically
for everyone! However, how YOU manifest that shift
might be different from how someone else does. Traditionally we ‘see’ women and
‘creatives’ as emotional, even moody. That’s because most women and most Creative
professionals are in touch with their emotions and feelings. If you’re a
Creative professional, emotions are what inspire you, shape your ‘art’, drive
you — and drive you crazy!

the ‘crazy times’ part of Transition. Transition sneaks ‘under your Radar’. You
feel out of sorts, not ‘normal’. But, you don’t know what’s wrong. You’re edgy.
Things that normally wouldn’t bother you now irritate you!

might start snapping at people. You might have trouble sleeping. You could
start craving sweets, especially chocolate. All this makes you feel ‘crazy’.



b) You Feel\nConfused, Uncertain\n\n


I'll\nparaphrase Kermit the Frog, "its not easy\nbeing creative!" You want to be unique and special – not "in the box". But,\nat that same time you crave recognition and approval. You want people to like\nyour stuff – well enough that they buy it and, better yet, pay you well for it.\n


That\npolarity is tough enough to manage when you're feeling centred and grounded -\n'normal'. But, when you're in transition and you're feeling emotional and\nvulnerable you can lose your way. WHO AM I? becomes a big deal. You question\neverything you do. You doubt yourself. You worry, excessively, about what\nothers think of you. All of a sudden those great dreams you had look\nimpossible, stupid, or dumb!\n\n


c) You Feel\nTired, Discouraged, Deflated, even Depressed\n\n


All\nthose emotions and thoughts running around in your head tire you out! And, it\ndoesn't help that you're not sleeping right or eating properly. You're NOT,\nRIGHT!\n\n


Your\nbody and mind rebel even more. You run out of juice. Discouragement sets up\nhouse. Your brain starts to manufacture dark thoughts. LIFE SUCKS!”,1]


b) You Feel
Confused, Uncertain

paraphrase Kermit the Frog, "its not easy
being creative!"
You want to be unique and special – not "in the box". But,
at that same time you crave recognition and approval. You want people to like
your stuff – well enough that they buy it and, better yet, pay you well for it.

polarity is tough enough to manage when you’re feeling centred and grounded –
‘normal’. But, when you’re in transition and you’re feeling emotional and
vulnerable you can lose your way. WHO AM I? becomes a big deal. You question
everything you do. You doubt yourself. You worry, excessively, about what
others think of you. All of a sudden those great dreams you had look
impossible, stupid, or dumb!

c) You Feel
Tired, Discouraged, Deflated, even Depressed

those emotions and thoughts running around in your head tire you out! And, it
doesn’t help that you’re not sleeping right or eating properly. You’re NOT,

body and mind rebel even more. You run out of juice. Discouragement sets up
house. Your brain starts to manufacture dark thoughts. LIFE SUCKS!<!–


2) What\nDoesn't Work\n\n


Ignoring Your Feelings: It would be great to ignore those feelings. Go\nahead and stuff them. But, it won't work. Stuff 'em and they will erupt.\n


Whine Therapy: Also know as B-tching or complaining. Okay, you need to a little. BUT,\nspending days and weeks moaning, groaning, and carping WILL NOT help! It just\nkeeps you STUCK in the same feelings and emotions. TRUST ME, I've done it! IT\ndoesn't work. \n


Worrying:\nI forget who said this, "Most of the time\nwe spend time worrying about stuff that never happens." Sure you can spend\ntime chewing on your thoughts. It seems like you're doing something. You are!\nYou're wasting your bloody time and energy!\n\n”,1]


2) What
Doesn’t Work

 Ignoring Your Feelings: It would be great to ignore those feelings. Go
ahead and stuff them. But, it won’t work. Stuff ’em and they will erupt. 

 Whine Therapy: Also know as B-tching or complaining. Okay, you need to a little. BUT,
spending days and weeks moaning, groaning, and carping WILL NOT help! It just
keeps you STUCK in the same feelings and emotions. TRUST ME, I’ve done it! IT
doesn’t work.  

I forget who said this, "Most of the time
we spend time worrying about stuff that never happens."
Sure you can spend
time chewing on your thoughts. It seems like you’re doing something. You are!
You’re wasting your bloody time and energy!



3) What\nHelps!\n\n


Support:\nI you don't have a Support network. CREATE one. DO IT NOW! Just the other day I\nrealized that one of the challenges of my current transition was the fact that\nI had 'lost' my best support buddy. My business partner is massively busy,\nengaged in a very large project and unavailable for consultation. So, when I\nhad that DUH experience: "Crud! I've lost\nmy most important professional sounding board"; I went out and found a new\ncoach and hired her to be my "shadow consultant". Man what a relief\n\n


What\nsupport do you need? Do you need a coach? An advisory board? A "shadow\nconsultant"? A therapist? Get what you need!\n\n


Time Outs:\nBe kind to yourself. YES, I know all that stuff you WANT and NEED to do ISN'T\ngetting done as fast as you want. So, the last thing you need to do is slow\ndown, right! WRONG!\n\n




3) What

I you don’t have a Support network. CREATE one. DO IT NOW! Just the other day I
realized that one of the challenges of my current transition was the fact that
I had ‘lost’ my best support buddy. My business partner is massively busy,
engaged in a very large project and unavailable for consultation. So, when I
had that DUH experience: "Crud! I’ve lost
my most important professional sounding board";
I went out and found a new
coach and hired her to be my "shadow consultant". Man what a relief

support do you need? Do you need a coach? An advisory board? A "shadow
consultant"? A therapist? Get what you need!

 Time Outs:
Be kind to yourself. YES, I know all that stuff you WANT and NEED to do ISN’T
getting done as fast as you want. So, the last thing you need to do is slow
down, right! WRONG!

D(["mb","It's\nthe MOST important thing you can do. Step back. Kick back. Slow down. Go for a\nwalk. Get a massage. Take a long hot bath. Relax. Nurture yourself and your\ncreativity.\n\n


Believe\nme: when you are rested, relaxed, and calm you will be twenty times more\nfocused and productive!\n\n


Forgiveness: Creatives like you aspire to greatness. You want to make a\ndifference. You want to be KNOWN. You want to impact the world. You want to be\nremembered.\n\n


But,\nyour world is upside down. It can be so easy to crap on yourself and be mean to\nyourself. DON'T DO IT! Forgive yourself for being what you are a creative HUMAN\nBEING!\n\n


Let's\nsum up: When you commit to a Big Change you can expect to experience the roller\ncoaster ride called Transition. The good news: if you get support, take time to\nnurture yourself, and forgive your mistakes the Transition will be far less\npainful. \n


\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d \n
GENRE BUSTING(TM) – Unleash Your Talents and Create the\nCareer and Life of Your Dreams!\n\n


Are\nyou a creative, eclectic, multitalented professional who wants to wear more\nthat one hat?\n\n


Do\nyou feel like 'they' are trying to force fit your unique talents into a one-dimensional\nbox?\n\n”,1]

the MOST important thing you can do. Step back. Kick back. Slow down. Go for a
walk. Get a massage. Take a long hot bath. Relax. Nurture yourself and your

me: when you are rested, relaxed, and calm you will be twenty times more
focused and productive!

 Forgiveness: Creatives like you aspire to greatness. You want to make a
difference. You want to be KNOWN. You want to impact the world. You want to be

your world is upside down. It can be so easy to crap on yourself and be mean to
yourself. DON’T DO IT! Forgive yourself for being what you are a creative HUMAN

sum up: When you commit to a Big Change you can expect to experience the roller
coaster ride called Transition. The good news: if you get support, take time to
nurture yourself, and forgive your mistakes the Transition will be far less


GENRE BUSTING(TM) – Unleash Your Talents and Create the
Career and Life of Your Dreams!

you a creative, eclectic, multitalented professional who wants to wear more
that one hat?

you feel like ‘they’ are trying to force fit your unique talents into a one-dimensional



Do\nyou think your talents are being wasted in a dead-end career?\n\n


Do\nyou yearn for a fulfilling career and a rewarding life?\n\n


Would\nyou like to know exactly how to design and live the career and life of your\ndreams?\n\n


Then\nit's time to do some GENRE BUSTING(TM)\n


Please\nJOIN ME starting Tuesday, May 1st,\n2007 for "Genre Busting(TM) – How to Design, Create, and Live Your\nC.R.E.A.T.I.V.E. Career!"\n\n


Genre\nBusting(TM) will be a multi-week program designed especially for you the creative,\neclectic, and multitalented professional. The program details are still being\nfinalized but here's what I can reveal:\n


When\nyou participate in this ground breaking NEW program you will:\n


Discover your Top\n3 Career Fields, \n


Learn what your Personality Type reveals about careers\nthat fit\n\n


you, \n




you think your talents are being wasted in a dead-end career?

you yearn for a fulfilling career and a rewarding life?

you like to know exactly how to design and live the career and life of your

it’s time to do some GENRE BUSTING(TM)

JOIN ME starting Tuesday, May 1st,
for "Genre Busting(TM) – How to Design, Create, and Live Your
C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E. Career!"

Busting(TM) will be a multi-week program designed especially for you the creative,
eclectic, and multitalented professional. The program details are still being
finalized but here’s what I can reveal:

you participate in this ground breaking NEW program you will:

 Discover your Top
3 Career Fields

 Learn what your Personality Type reveals about careers
that fit


D(["mb"," Uncover your Career\nValues & use them to tailor your career plan, \n


Rediscover your hidden\ntalents and skills, \n


Create a comprehensive,\ndetailed career & life plan tailored to your unique talents and needs,\nand \n


At the end of the program, be well down the road to making your C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E. career a reality.\n


To\nreceive ongoing information on the Genre Busting(TM) program. Send a blank email\nto genrebusting@aweber.com\n




Until\nnext time,\n\n


Lyle Lachmuth MS\n(Organization Development)\n
The Unsticking Coach(TM) \n
Your Talents > Your\nCareer >> Your Life >>> Your Way! (TM)\n


Turning Point\nStrategies\n

//–> Uncover your Career
& use them to tailor your career plan,   

 Rediscover your hidden
and skills,   

 Create a comprehensive,
detailed career & life plan
tailored to your unique talents and needs,

 At the end of the program, be well down the road to making your C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E. career a reality.

receive ongoing information on the Genre Busting(TM) program. Send a blank email
genrebusting [at] aweber [dot] com 


next time,

Lyle Lachmuth MS
(Organization Development)

The Unsticking Coach(TM)   

Your Talents > Your
Career >> Your Life >>> Your Way! (TM)


PRIVACY POLICY:  I will not rent, trade, or
sell your name and contact information to anyone, at any time, for any reason!

CREATIVE CAREERS UNLEASHED and its publisher, are not engaged in providing
therapy. This newsletter is provided for informational purposes only.

UNLEASHED may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety only, including
copyright, legal, and contact information and only with live links intact.

Copyright 2007 Lyle T. Lachmuth, All Rights