[CCU] Healing Career Pain

In this issue, learn strategies for healing Career Pain.

From Turning Point Strategies and Lyle T. Lachmuth

Depending on how you look at it, this issue is either 15 days late or on time!

The challenges with pain in my leg (and butt) have continued. After 4 ½ diagnoses “we’ve” landed on a provisional diagnosis of sciatica. I’ve been focused on healing the pain and getting more mobile. Sitting has been a problem as sciatica really is a pain in the ass!

But, the leg and pain are getting better — because of listening to my body and my body/mind.

And, as I’ve struggled to figure out what I wanted to write, it struck me that the physical pain and the tactics I’ve used to mitigate it, were a useful metaphor for the career pain you may be experiencing.

Here goes…


Like the pain associated with Fibromyalgia, career pain comes in several forms.

Sometimes, it’s huge and devastating. For example, I will never forget the angst, pain, and emotional anguish I suffered during the ‘death’ of my career in Information Systems. It was a biggie. I had been a very successful IS professional but as I began to change and grow and become more interested in working people issues, my IS career began to wither.

I struggled trying to figure out what I really wanted. Consulted HR, well that was next to useless – they gave me a Self-Study Career Workbook and said, “have at it!” All I knew was that IS didn’t seem to fit any more and this OD (Organization Development) business looked intriguing. But, how was I to get into OD if I didn’t have a degree?

It was painful as hell. Knowing on the one hand that I thought I knew where I wanted to go but didn’t see how I could get there. And, on the other hand, no longer being perceived or treated as an “IS guy”. Talk about the horns of a dilemma.

Then it got worse. I quit a job I loved so I could spend less time traveling and more time at home taking care of my children (my then wife was in nursing school). This move turned out to be my undoing.

The man I went to work for had been a great client when I was Training Coordinator. And, for the first 6 months I worked for him we had a super relationship. Then I began experiencing some personal problems that affected my work. Instead of supporting me, which is what I most needed, he put the pressure on even more. Tightening control, removing autonomy, double and triple checking everything I did. After 4 months of that I imploded!

D(["mb","was there on day 2 of my stay that my HR advisor came to tell me that
my employer was going to pension me off. Swell! Two days later my wife
came to tell me that she wanted a divorce and full custody of our
children. Really swell!!

That’s when I decided to reinvent my life.

Through that very dark and painful experience it had become clear to me
that god had something in mind for me. If I could just figure out what
it was.

So, for the last 21 years my ‘work’ and my journey has been about
getting clear about my calling and about how I can take what I’ve
learned and use it to help others in similar circumstances.

So, what the heck does this have to do with careers and career pain?

Stay tuned…


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Have you experienced career pain?

Maybe it was a big as mine. Or, maybe it’s been more subtle.

Like a colleague/friend. He was a writer for a local newspaper. I
remember visiting him at work on a number of occasions and he always
seemed down, discouraged. So, I told him the Frog Story. It goes like

The best way to boil a frog isn’t to drop the frog in a pot of boiling

//–>Diagnosed with clinical depression I wound up in the hospital and it was there on day 2 of my stay that my HR advisor came to tell me that my employer was going to pension me off. Swell! Two days later my wife came to tell me that she wanted a divorce and full custody of our children. Really swell!!

That’s when I decided to reinvent my life.

Through that very dark and painful experience it had become clear to me that god had something in mind for me. If I could just figure out what it was.

So, for the last 21 years my ‘work’ and my journey has been about getting clear about my calling and about how I can take what I’ve learned and use it to help others in similar circumstances.

So, what the heck does this have to do with careers and career pain?

Stay tuned…


Have you experienced career pain?

Maybe it was a big as mine. Or, maybe it’s been more subtle.

Like a colleague/friend. He was a writer for a local newspaper. I remember visiting him at work on a number of occasions and he always seemed down, discouraged. So, I told him the Frog Story. It goes  like this:

D(["mb","water. No, the best way is to leave the in the water and raise the
temperature ever so slowly. Then before the frog knows it he’s poached!

I explained to my friend that his work was like that pot of water —
slowly cooking him. Eventually, he left. To this day, whenever I see
him he remarks on the impact of that story.

So, what about your career?

Maybe you don’t feel major pain. Maybe it’s not a big mess like mine
was. Maybe it just hurts a little bit. Maybe it just drags you down.
Slowly, ever so slowly.

And, that’s the risk.

When the pain is small it’s awful darn easy to pop a pill and ignore

Are you “popping pills” to ignore your career pain?

You know what I mean.

Doing things like working more and harder, so you don’t notice how
painful it is.

Eating more. Watching TV more. Drinking more. Anything, to numb the

These things work, but in the end they really don’t help the way you

In a minute, some wiser and better strategies for dealing with career


Here’s what one client told me last week: “I’m so excited to see my new
CD coming out. You know I would never have been here if it hadn’t been
for you. I would never have gotten off my butt and done the necessary
work to make this happen. Even though it’s what I always dreamed.”

What about you?

Are you sitting on your assets waiting for your new life to just show

It won’t.

But, with a little help from a friendly coach you can create the career
and life of your dreams.

If you are blocked and yeaning to live the life of your dreams, I can
help YOU.

CLICK here mailto:“,1]

//–>The best way to boil a frog isn’t to drop the frog in a pot of boiling water. No, the best way is to leave the frog in the water and raise the temperature ever so slowly. Then before the frog knows it he’s poached!

I explained to my friend that his work was like that pot of water — slowly cooking him. Eventually, he left. To this day, whenever I see him he remarks on the impact of that story.

So, what about your career?

Maybe you don’t feel major pain. Maybe it’s not a big mess like mine was. Maybe it just hurts a little bit. Maybe it just drags you down. Slowly, ever so slowly.

And, that’s the risk.

When the pain is small it’s awful darn easy to pop a pill and ignore it.

Are you “popping pills” to ignore your career pain?

You know what I mean.

Doing things like working more and harder, so you don’t notice how painful it is.

Eating more. Watching TV more. Drinking more. Anything, to numb the pain.

These things work, but in the end they really don’t help the way you feel or give you what you need permanently.

In a minute, some wiser and better strategies for dealing with career pain.


Here’s what one client told me last week: “I’m so excited to see my new CD coming out. You know I would never have been here if it hadn’t been for you. I would never have gotten off my butt and done the necessary work to make this happen. Even though it’s what I always dreamed.”

What about you?

Are you sitting on your assets waiting for your new life to just show up?

It won’t.

But, with a little help from a friendly coach you can create the career and life of your dreams.

If you are blocked and yeaning to live the life of your dreams, I can help YOU.

Send a blank email to <!–

And I will contact you to set up a F-R-E-E consultation to show you how
to Get The Life You Want.


Step 1: Notice the Pain

Are you happy in your job at least 80% of the time? If not, it’s a clue
to pay attention to the pain/discomfort. Do you start to get depressed
on Sunday night? (I still hate the music of Fraggle Rock because it was
on TV Sunday nights in 1984)

Step 2: Listen to the Pain

Where do you feel the pain/discomfort? Do you experience it as:
depression, heartburn, stomach ache, or whatever?

The location of your pain can be a big clue about what’s missing from
your life. Or, about what you are afraid of. I’m a big fan of Louise
Hay’s little book of metaphysical symptoms called, “Heal Your Body”.
Louise’s book says the pain in my leg is due to “fear of moving
forward”. Oh, really… yep!

Step 3: Talk to the Pain

Yes, talk to the Pain. Have a conversation if you can. Write a poem.
Draw a picture. Create a collage. Dance. Compose a song. Do something
to get in touch with the “voice of the pain.” See what it’s telling you
about what you need.

Step 4: Change Your Behavior

Take the advice your pain gave you and take action. I’ve found that
even little bitty, wee steps make a huge difference. ACT! MOVE! DO!

Or, you could just stay in the pot!

See you next time,

Lyle Lachmuth MSOD, CDP, CRT(Hons)
The Unsticking Coachâ„¢
Your Talents > Your Career >> Your Life >>> Your Way!â„¢

Turning Point Strategies
Box 72140 RPO Glenmore Landing | Calgary, AB CANADA T2V 5H9
T: 403-390-4768 | E: LyleTLachmuth [at] Gmail.com


//–>LyleTLachmuth [at] Gmail [dot] com with IWantALife in
the subject line/

And I will contact you to set up a F-R-E-E consultation to show you how to Get The Life You Want.


Step 1: Notice the Pain

Are you happy in your job at least 80% of the time? If not, it’s a clue to pay attention to the pain/discomfort. Do you start to get depressed on Sunday night? (I still hate the music of Fraggle Rock because it was on TV Sunday nights in 1984)

Step 2: Listen to the Pain

Where do you feel the pain/discomfort? Do you experience it as: depression, heartburn, stomach ache, or whatever?

The location of your pain can be a big clue about what’s missing from your life. Or, about what you are afraid of. I’m a big fan of Louise Hay’s little book of metaphysical symptoms called, “Heal Your Body”. Louise’s book says the pain in my leg is due to “fear of moving forward”. Oh, really… yep!

Step 3: Talk to the Pain

Yes, talk to the Pain. Have a conversation if you can. Write a poem. Draw a picture. Create a collage. Dance. Compose a song. Do something to get in touch with the “voice of the pain.” See what it’s telling you about what you need.

Step 4: Change Your Behavior

Take the advice your pain gave you and take action. I’ve found that even little bitty, wee steps make a huge difference. ACT! MOVE! DO!

Or, you could just stay in the pot!