[CCU] Practices Make Perfect

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2006!

So, where did 2005 go?

I hope it was everything you wanted it to be. But, maybe
like my life yours had some rough spots. And, maybe that’s too kind a word for
the crappy, sucky, bloody awful things that happened.

Sometimes shit happens. There I said it!  Let’s face it, as much as I’m an optimist and
as much as I can be a little Polly Anna, the fact is bad things happen to good
people. It’s happened to me and I’ve no doubt it’s happened to you.

Yet, it’s a new day and a new year and I’m hopeful and
making plans.


Cause if I don’t make plans, 2006 will just zip by and I
really won’t achieve any of the stuff that’s important to me.

New Year’s is traditionally a time for making resolutions
– which we break by January 2nd!

But, instead of making resolutions I want to talk about creating

What do I mean by practices?

I chose the word partly to create a pun on the phrase “practice
makes perfect”, as in this definition, “an
action done many times over in order to gain skill.”
But, I mean a bit more
than that.

When I think of practice, I think also about those ‘rituals’
or habits of a spiritual/metaphysical nature that one does or needs to do.

For example, I KNOW that a big part of the reason I have
been able to eliminate pain from my life is because I have created new beliefs
and new practices. Let me give a specific example. This morning on my daily
walk/meditation I asked my self (my inner guides), “What is the most important
practice I can follow this year in order to improve my health”?

The answer that immediately popped up was, “Listen to your body!”

That’s what I have been doing and now my inner guides were
reminding me that I needed to do more of it, more often!

The irony was that the inner voice that responded was
very, very quiet and soft and I had to listen really, really hard to hear it.

So, that’s my Best Health Practice: Listening to my Body!

Simple, yes! Easy, no!

More in a moment…


Do you suffer from chronic pain?

Does fear block you from reaching your dreams?

Does chronic illness stop you from living your life

You don’t have to be blocked! You can fully express your

COMING SPRING 2006 – END THE PAIN. A practical handbook to
help creative people overcome fear, pain, and illness and fully express their

Watch for more information on how you can order your copy

Get your copy of a F-R-E-E chapter of this powerful handbook,
CLICK mailto:LyleTLachmuth@Gmail.com?Subject=FreeBookChapter
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Once I got the answer to my question about health I
figured I may as well go for broke. I then asked about what practices would ensure
improvements in My Work and My Relationships.

And, I got answers. Interestingly, the answers to the two
questions were almost identical. Essentially I was advised that success in both
My Work and My Relationships would result when I practiced this: “Be Who You
Are. Be Open. Be Honest.”

Simple, yes! Easy, hell no!

Yet, I KNOW, because there have been moments and times
when I have been able to do this, that this practice works! That’s it’s the
best thing for me.

But, I don’t always do it.


Cause I get scared. I’m afraid. I get blocked. I get
stuck. I get paralyzed. I hold back. I don’t speak out. I don’t stand up.

And, this year I commit (even more) to get past those

Please join me here in the pages of this newsletter and
in my Blog as I make 2006 the “Year of Practices Make Perfect”.

I’m going to focus on the practical how to’s:

 how to identify the practices that will make
your life better,

 how to create those life affirming practices,

 how to sustain the practices that sustain you, and

 How to deal more effectively with barriers, fears,
demons, and all the stuff that gets in the way!

 See you January 15th with a SPECIAL EDITION of
this newsletter. 


will not rent, trade, or sell your name and contact information to anyone, at
any time, for any reason!

not engaged in providing therapy. This newsletter is provided for informational
purposes only.

Copyright 2005 Turning Point Strategies and Lyle T.