In this issue: Eight
actions you need to master in order to develop a C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E. career!
The online Career
For Genre Busters(TM)
From Lyle T. Lachmuth
The Unsticking Coach
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This issue of Creative
Careers Unleashed begins an 8-part series that carefully examines the actions
you need to master and take in order to build a C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E. career as a
Genre Buster(TM).
These 8 actions or competencies are
represented by the acronym C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E:
C – Clarify
You need to be very
clear about: your vision, your values, your talents, your weaknesses, what you
like, who you like, what you want to do, what you can do, and so on. Clarity
does not come in an instant. It takes time and results from taking actions and
paying attention to results.
R – Research
"Knowledge is Power!"
In order to acquire knowledge you need to be constantly researching and finding
information. You need to know how to use libraries and the Internet. And, you
need to know people who can help you.
E – Explore
Exploration is like
Research but involves actual physical action. Getting out of your office and
going to meetings, conferences, clients, and being ‘in the world’ not ‘in your head’.
D(["mb","A – Analyze \n\n
You must master the\nability to carefully, rationally, examine the data you\’ve acquired. And, then\nturn that data into information you can act on – in a very practical way. \n\n
More in a moment . . . \n\n
\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d \nQUOTATIONS \n\n
"When you come to a roadblock, take a\ndetour" – Mary Kay Ash \n\n
"What is\nnow proved was once only imagined." – William Blake \n\n
T – Tabulate \n\n
Turn\nthe information, ideas, and inspirations into a Plan of Action. Lay out steps,\nactions, goals, objectives, and timelines – but do so loosely and not in an\nanal fashion. Tight, scripted plots kill creatives and creative thinking. \n”,1]
//–>A – Analyze
You must master the
ability to carefully, rationally, examine the data you’ve acquired. And, then
turn that data into information you can act on – in a very practical way.
More in a moment . . .
"When you come to a roadblock, take a
detour" – Mary Kay Ash
"What is
now proved was once only imagined." – William Blake
figure out how to make it happen."
T – Tabulate
the information, ideas, and inspirations into a Plan of Action. Lay out steps,
actions, goals, objectives, and timelines – but do so loosely and not in an
anal fashion. Tight, scripted plots kill creatives and creative thinking.
D(["mb"," \n
I – Implement \n\n
Plans\nwithout action are useless. You need to be able to take planned, reasonable, and\ninnovative actions – i.e. be able to switch plans, change steps, in a moment. \n\n
V – Valuate \n\n
"What\ngets measured gets changed". When you implement your plan you need to evaluate\nand measure what you are doing. As Dr. Phil says, "Is that working for you?" \n\n
E – Echo \n\n
It\’s\nlike those prescriptions you get sometimes, "Repeat as necessary". \n\nRome wasn\’t built in a\nday, and neither is your C.R.E.A.T. I. V. E. career. You will need to repeat,\nredo, and revisit each of these actions many, many, many times. Good news\nthough: You\’ll get really good at them!\n \n\n
Until next time, \n\n
Lyle Lachmuth MS\n(Organization Development) \n
The Unsticking Coach(TM) \n
Your Talents > Your\nCareer >> Your Life >>> Your Way!(TM) \n\n
Turning Point\nStrategies\n
\n\nBox 72140“,1]
I – Implement
without action are useless. You need to be able to take planned, reasonable, and
innovative actions – i.e. be able to switch plans, change steps, in a moment.
V – Valuate
gets measured gets changed". When you implement your plan you need to evaluate
and measure what you are doing. As Dr. Phil says, "Is that working for you?"
E – Echo
like those prescriptions you get sometimes, "Repeat as necessary".
Rome wasn’t built in a
day, and neither is your C.R.E.A.T. I. V. E. career. You will need to repeat,
redo, and revisit each of these actions many, many, many times. Good news
though: You’ll get really good at them!
Until next time,
Lyle Lachmuth MS
(Organization Development)
The Unsticking Coach(TM)
Your Talents > Your
Career >> Your Life >>> Your Way!(TM)
Turning Point
Box 72140<!–
D(["mb"," RPO\nGlenmore Landing | \n\nCalgary, \nAB \nCANADA \nT2V 5H9 \n
E: LyleTLachmuth [at]\ \n\n
To subscribe to this\nnewsletter, send a blank e-mail to \n\n
You are subscribed as\nLyle T. Lachmuth | The Unsticking Coach \n\n
To change your\nsubscription options click on the link at the end of this e-mail \n\n
PRIVACY POLICY: I will not rent, trade, or sell your name and\ncontact information to anyone, at any time, for any reason! \n\n
CAVEAT: CREATIVE\nCAREERS UNLEASHED and its publisher, are not engaged in providing therapy. This\nnewsletter is provided for informational purposes only. \n \n
CREATIVE CAREERS\nUNLEASHED may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety only, including copyright,\nlegal, and contact information and only with live links intact. \n \n
Copyright 2006 Lyle T.\nLachmuth, All Rights Reserved
\nTurning Point Strategies, Box 72140 RPO Glenmore Landing, Calgary, AB T2V 5H9, CANADA\n
\nTo unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit: \n
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