
How To Create Sizzling Speech and Book Titles

Long time ezine reader and Business Coach, Sandra Schrift, passed on this  excellent article . . . How to Create Sizzling Speech and Book Titles Do you know the name of the book that was written in 1937 and outsold every book except the Bible? It was “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” This…

Finding Your Bliss

I suspect the following is true for all career seekers and workers. BUT, since I’m talking about creative, eclectic, multi-talented professionals then . . . What IS true success for a Genre Buster(TM)? It consists of finding yourself at the Nexus of: Doing what they love, Having the talent to do that, and Getting paid…

Artist's Way Group Starting

This just in from Susan Fuller: Remember how you used to love squishing the finger paints? When was the last time you brought that kind of JOY  to your creative work, your life, or your business? Bring your creativity back to life with The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron….

Scott Adam's Life Hack

Just saw this at Wired news. Cartoonist and Dilbert creator Scott Adams lost his voice to a rare condition  called Spasmodic Dysphonia. Read his Blog post to see how self designed exercised helped him be the first ever person to recover from this condition. To me a testament to the power of optimism, courage, and…

My Coaching Calendar

Seth Godin On 5 Common Cliches…

Seth is spot on… My favourite: Half my advertising works, I just don’t know which half. Actually, it’s closer to 1% of your advertising that works, at the most. Your billboard reaches 100,000 people and if you’re lucky, it gets you a hundred customers… One of my former clients was a Top 10 Advertising agency….

Get Happy … Let Go of Your Anger

Here’s how my colleague Diana Laird begins her FIRST ever Blog post: I will start by admitting that patience didn’t come naturally to me. I had to work at it. My younger years were frought with these escalations. I believe the politically correct term for it is “Drama”. Who are we kidding with that? It’s really anger and self importance….


In a recent edition of my newsletter, Creative Careers Unleashed, I talked about strategies for finding the courage you need to make the changes you want and need to make. Along that theme, I’d like to share this poem I wrote in 1987: Courage Cowards are we all,Who easy choices make. Fear whispersIn every ear,Few…

Building Your Career Brand

In his recent post about Celebrity Marketing Seth Godin makes these comments about building Your Brand: It’s no longer about celebrity as endorser. Now, it’s about celebrity as provider. You don’t just get their face… it’s as if they made it for you. We don’t need another Lexus or Accelant or Verizon. Apparently, we need…

Seth Speaks Out On The Marketing Process

If you are a Genre Busterâ„¢ you’ll likely wind up working for yourself. You’ll be a (pick one) Solopreneur, Independent Professional, Small Business Owner, Entrepreneur, or Freelancer. And, you’ll need to learn how to market. Seth Godin has some critical wisdom on the marketing process My favourite piece of advice is: 4. Irrational, strongly held…