
Top 10 Cushy Careers

Would you like a cushy job? How about Cheese Sculptor? Check it out at CNN online . 

Seth Godin's Cool Sites

Check out Seth Godin’s Cool Sites. I particularly like Cordarounds — finally truly great looking cords!

Reasons To Beat Yourself Up!

It’s funny how life is. Nothing is linear. Certainly NOT my coaching practice. Sometimes each client or prospective client comes to me with very different challenges. And, other times, like this week, the same challenge shows up in everyone’s life. If this week’s common challenge were a song, it would be called "The Mea Culpa…

Power Questions

I first heard the term "Power Questions" way back in 1990 when listening to Tony Robbins’ orginal Personal Power tapes, whilst driving to Saskatchewan. I’ve always found questions useful — particularly when I ask useful questions. 😉 So, I immediately set about crafting some Power Questions to help guide me on my journey. Earlier today,…

[CCU] The Neuroscience of Change

In this issue: what do new discoveries in the field of Neuroscience tell us about how to make changes more easily?  THE NEUROSCIENCE OF CHANGE Recently I happened upon a copy of Strategy + Business, the flagship offering of Strategy consulting firm Booz, Hamilton,  Allen, Inc. I was intrigued by an article titled, "The Neuroscience…

The Kernel of Power

I think it was way, way back in graduate school that someone first suggested I read Kaleel Jamisno’s little masterpiece, "The Nibble Theory and The Kernel of Power". The book’s subtitle is, "A book about Leadership, Self-empowerment, and Personal Growth". Working through the exercises in the book helped me understand the Core Belief that has…

Defeating the Stress Gremlin – The Stress Model

First a bit of a context … and then some more tips. I’ve been teaching Stress Management workshops since 1983. My tendency is to teach what I’m learning (which is how I got involved in Anger Management for Men but that’s a whole other story). In 1983 my life  and job sucked big time —…

Defeating the Stress Gremlin

Newsletter reader SC sent in this Gremlin story: I thought I’d let you know that I really enjoyed thetheme of this newsletter as this is a struggle I oftenface. I’ve used the 10-minute writing technique before andsometimes that works wonders (not always for methough). If nothing else, it gets all the negativestuff out on the…

Secrets of Finding The Best "In-Between" Job

You’re fed up with your current MacJob! Who can blame you? So you quit but have no new job lined up. Since you: aren’t living at home, your parents have no plans of providing free accomodations or supporting you financially, therefore, need a new job. What do you do for work? Let’s assume you have…

Flowing With The River

This one is for Francesca… FLOWING WITH THE RIVER  Flowing with the RiverOnly easy is,If you like the RiverLiquid are.  The RiverNever caresWhere it is going. It’s Destination fixed,Determined throughoutThe aeons.  It existsSolely to Flow,To move,To feedIn passing theBirds,Insects,And animals.  It moves throughoutThe dayAnd night.It hasno beginning,Nor any real endAndYet connectsThe GenesisTo the Terminus.  It’s…