
Your Type of Career

I’ve been offline for awhile with a bum left leg. I’m limping along and trying to post thoughts and ideas while sitting with a hot pack on my leg. What fun! I’ve been wanting to get back to my series on Planning a Creative Career. Last series of posts, I looked at what interests you….

Self Publishing Primer

Unveiling the Heart of Business

You’ve heard to them. You maybe even know one.  The Starving Artist.  Brilliant. Gifted. Maybe a little eccentric. But, creative as heck.  And, poor as a church mouse.  Why does it seem that following a path of heart means following a path of poverty?  Or, does it have to?  A new book, by spiritual marketer…

Plan an Interesting Career

Last post we took a look at Holland codes, the tool for sorting and categorizing occupations based on interests. So, how do you figure out your Holland code? You can do if for FREE here. Be warned though: the results will be directional and may not be completely accurate. To take a full blown Interest…

But, Does it Interest You?

What good is a job or career if it doesn’t interest you? I’m imaging that something like that ran through John Holland’s noggin years ago, and caused him to devise his famous/infamous occupational coding scheme. Prior to Holland’s work, occupations were a mish mash. His goal was to organize them in a meaningful way… and…

Creating Your Ideal Career

21 years ago I was discontented Systems Analyst trying to figure out what I wanted to be "when I grew up." My HR contact handed me a self guided workbook and said, "have at it." I did. But, it didn’t help much. Would have been nice to have a career counselor or coach. Maybe that’s…

What Flavour is Your Passion?

A prospective client and I were having a discussion about passion. Someone had suggested he didn’t have any. My response was, "BS!" The ‘world’ at-large, particularly the American world, seems to have this notion that passion is loud, out-there — in a word, Extraverted. As someone who has an Extraverted preference but lives in a…

Help I Lost My Focus

The January 16, 2006 issue of Time magazine has a series of excellent articles on "How to Sharpen Your Mind". I especially liked the one on the dangers of multitasking here. Now, I have some great terms to describe those horrible feelings when done in by multitasking. My favourites: Frazzing — Frantic, ineffective multitasking, typically…

Languages of Love

It’s Monday morning. The Chinook is blowing. The weekend was too short. Maybe that’s why I’m having a heck of a time focusing on those reports that are due. I feel so damn scattered. What to do? I’ve surfed the Net. Read Yahoo news. Nothing grabs me. What to do? So, I gave in to…

Nominate This Blog

Howdy! If you enjoy reading this Blog please nominate it as Best Canadian Blog here. Just scroll way, way down, find the form for Best Canadian Blog, fill in your name, your e-mail and the URL of this blog — YES, the Bloggies are back. This annual bestival of Blogging features Blogs from around…