
Help I Lost My Focus

The January 16, 2006 issue of Time magazine has a series of excellent articles on "How to Sharpen Your Mind". I especially liked the one on the dangers of multitasking here. Now, I have some great terms to describe those horrible feelings when done in by multitasking. My favourites: Frazzing — Frantic, ineffective multitasking, typically…

Delayed Reaction

It’s a cloudy Tuesday, the temperature hovering near -3 C. I’ve been sleeping better and longer lately. So, why am I so damn tired! And, why do I hurt all over? Then it hit me! Delayed reaction. Have you ever cut yourself on something really sharp? So, sharp that you don’t notice the cut until…

Languages of Love

It’s Monday morning. The Chinook is blowing. The weekend was too short. Maybe that’s why I’m having a heck of a time focusing on those reports that are due. I feel so damn scattered. What to do? I’ve surfed the Net. Read Yahoo news. Nothing grabs me. What to do? So, I gave in to…

Please Nominate This Blog

Howdy! If you enjoy reading this Blog please nominate it as Best Canadian Blog here. Just scroll way, way down, find the form for Best Canadian Blog, fill in your name, your e-mail and the URL of this blog — YES, the Bloggies are back. This annual bestival of Blogging features Blogs from around…

Nominate This Blog

Howdy! If you enjoy reading this Blog please nominate it as Best Canadian Blog here. Just scroll way, way down, find the form for Best Canadian Blog, fill in your name, your e-mail and the URL of this blog — YES, the Bloggies are back. This annual bestival of Blogging features Blogs from around…

Smack Anyone!

The February 2006 issue of Psychology Today reports on a study at Boston University. Professor Glenn Saxe that giving children large doses of morphine following a serious burn or accident will reduce the number of post-traumatic stress disoder (PTSD) symptoms. Researchers are uncertain if it’s just the morphine or if anything that reduces pain will…

Are You an Artistic Type: How To Find A Career That Works For YOU

This post is for A.Z. who contacted me offline. A.Z. is struggling with what is an all too common problem for creative/artisitic types. Those who have an artistic nature but grow up in a ‘conventional’ family can have real career challenges. Why? Let’s take a page from my own career history book. I grew up…

A Pain in the Butt

One of the joys of Fibro is the "pain in the butt" feeling. Apparently, tender points are the cause. But, what causes tender points? According to Dr. Stuart Donaldson of Myosymmetries tender points and other pain associated with Fibro is ’caused’ by "bad messaging" between the brain and muscles [my words]. As I understand it,…

How To Make Practices Perfect

Does practice make perfect? yes and no! Practice is useless when you do the practice incorrectly. You just keep doing the same stupid thing better. So, the saying ought to be: "Practice with feedback makes perfect". If you want to perfect your practices — arrange for feedback. Either set things up so you create your…

A New Year's Practice

My  current newsletter  talks about replacing resolutions with practices. My morning’s walk is a time for exercise, reflection, dreaming, and planning. This morning it occured to me that what had made a real difference in my pain level were the practices I had instituted. So, I thought to ask my inner guides what the #1…