
Meaning Too

MEANING TOO Meaning is as Meaning does. It becomes. It grows. It evokes. Like the pain that behind it is. It flourishes in the corners of the mind like a dark flower at midnight, like a wee seed growing, ever growing into possibilities. It becomes germane like a crystal ever forming. One small grain that…


MEANING Meaning is as Meaning does. Purpose is as Purpose does. Or, does Meaning direct Purpose, Or, does Purpose direct Meaning or are they enshrined in a Moebius Strip, ever one leading to the other and back again. I know not. I just know that one can not exist without the other. Existence makes purpose,…

I Flunked Suicide. Now What?

I FLUNKED SUICIDE, NOW WHAT? Waiting in the wings of life I pause, Consider briefly The meaning, and the answers awaiting. Take a step, then two, then three, as I stumble out upon the Stage that is Life. Toward some unknown unknowing, shimmering dream to be made real but only if I follow the Path…

The Clock Ticks

I just received a piece of writing advice: “You can’t think your way out of a writing problem, you need to write your way out of a thinking problem.” Herewith submitted for your approval the poem that resulted from that advice.   The clock ticks. Counting away the seconds Till the end of me and…

Death Lurks

Frequently, when I am overwhelmed by emotion I write poetry. It helps sort out my feelings. Recently I have been overwhelmed by grief and pain because of the death of 2 friends. I hereby submit:   Death in it’s many guises lurks near to me. I am not afraid of her for I have survived…

Using Poetry To Unstick Your Stuff!

I first started using Poetry to ‘access my ‘felt intuition’. What the hell is Felt Intuition? you ask. I don’t know but it kinda looks/feels like this … it’s the emotions/feelings I have about stuff that are LOCKED inside me so fiercely that when you ask me, “what  ya feeling Lyle?” I respond, “Don’t know!”…

Erato – A Poem

Erato This pain will be The death Of me: Yet. Its vibrato Thrumming Through my bones, Muscles, and sinews; Crushing bones And Sprit, Soul. Till no longer Have I The Courage, The Faith, The Hope, The Will, To persist. Yet, I must. For she calls To me, Her siren song So clear. She Calls, Summons,…