Spring Fever?

I have been restless of late.

Some say that is an early Spring. Perhaps. Perhaps not.

I have kept a journal in some form or another since 1984. And, every once in a while I go back and read the history of my life.

One thing I’ve noticed is that March is always a restless time for me. It was in March, the 8th to be exact, that I nearly met my maker. It was in March that I got divorced. It was in March that my then lover and about to be wife moved in with me. It was last March when my 4 year contract ended.

The Ides of March approach. That fateful day when Julius Caesar met his end.

March is the time of Equinox — the day is equal to the night.

March here in Calgary is unpredictable, tempestuous, windy, tempermental.  In 1998 we got more than 50 centimeters of snow on St. Patrick’s Day … and it took us a week to get our car out.

I know I am sensitive to the weather — as are all Fibromites. And, to the shifting of the light — as are all who have S.A.D.

Perhaps, it is not Spring Fever so much as March Madness — and, not the NBA version either!

What awaits at the end of this tumult?