Walking in This World

Everytime I go to the library I wander past my favourite sections: Mysteries, Careers, and Self Help, to see what calls me.

The other day I happened to spy a new, well new to me, book by Julia Cameron. It’s called, "Walking in This World: The Practical Art of Creativity."

While floating in a hot bath to relieve the pain I started to read. Within a few words I KNEW I had to own this book!

It’s a 12-week program to get you creating: whether that’s writing, painting, sculpting, acting, whatever.

Here’s a few quotes, that inspired me, from the first chapter, "Discovering a Sense of Origin":

  • Begin where you are, with who you are
  • Writing really doesn’t care where you do it. The same is true for drawing.
  • Instead of thinking of conquering an art form, think instead of kissing it hello, wooing it, exploring it in small enticing steps.

Does that grab you? It did me.

Grab a copy here: