
Pain is Not Your Friend

Last post, I talked about the value in pain: letting you know what’s awry. But, pain can be a pain in the ass (literally) and get in the %$#@ way! For the last 3 days I’ve been experiencing moderately severe pain. At least, moderate compared to the Big MoFo pain I was used to experiencing….

Pain Is Your Friend

You might ask, "How can pain be my friend? It’s $%#@ ruining my life!" At the risk of being Polly Anna-ish, I believe you can learn something from your pain. The original purpose of pain was to protect us. You touch the stove. You get burned. You don’t do it again. This principle is so…

The Gift of Gratitude

Thursday is Thanksgiving Day in the United States, an annual occasion to give thanks, to express gratitude — and eat your face off. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like you have a lot to be grateful for. Especially when you are in excruciating pain. I remember lots of times lying in bed in severe pain, wishing…

The Power of Journalling

Memory is a funny thing. Well, at least mine is. You think you remember how it was but in fact it wasn’t quite that way at all. Here’s an example from my life. For years I’ve remembered the time whilst I was in graduate school as the best ever. I was learning, phenomenally creative, madly…

Simple Tools Can Yield Great Results

I currently work on contract to the Alberta Medical Association. My work as a Change Management resource exposes me to a lot of physicians. Most are my clients: family doctors, surgeons, and other specialists who need help managing the change that comes with introducing new office systems. Occasionally I meet the physicians who are part…

Type A?

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I went for an assessment at Myosymmetries. I was hoping that they’d tell me a) Yes, you have Fibromyalgia and b) we can help. Both wishs came true. But, what I didn’t expect to hear was, "You know the trouble with you Type A’s is that you’re Type…

Born Highly Sensitive?

Are folks born highly sensitive? Or, does time and circumstance make them that way? Probably, some of both. Elaine Aron, in her book The Highly Sensitive Person, suggests that’s the case. Certainly I’ve seen children who from birth seemed fragile and delicately sensible.  Another book cites research that shows that at birth there are 3…

Over Sensitive?

Have you ever been accused of being over sensitive? I am frequently. And, I’ve wondered: Am I? If so, where did my oversensitivity come from? And, is it necessarily a bad thing? Okay. I’m ready. I admit I am highly sensitive. Note: I didn’t say over sensitive. Is that bad? Yes and no. No, because…

The Inner War

The post might also have been titled "When Your Body is at War With Itself". Have you ever had the experience of picking up a book and thinking,"not much here," only to return to it later and find all sorts of valuable ideas. That’s the case for me with  When The Body Says No. Recently…