I was doing some intense coaching this week with Kathy Mallory, The Inspired Market-Her!
When I had a big aha!
First, a bit of back story.
I’ve always had a high need for autonomy: way back in Grade 2 I told Ms. McLeod, who was pushing me to work harder, "you can have speed and accuracy. Not both!" Cheeky litte bugger wasn’t I!
Over the years I’ve come to learn that what I want from others is this: tell what OUTCOME you want. And, then let me figure out how to create it!
Bosses who tried to specify both PROCESS and OUTCOME drove me crazy!
In fact, I realize that really deep down I just want to know the outcome! I KNOW I can create the best process and execute it with precision. In fact, I rarely ever follow anyone else’s process. It’s "just tell me what you want. Get the hell out of the way. And, let me make it happen!"
Back to my coaching session with Kathy.
She was helping me get some perspective on my second calling. In the course of conversation she pointed out the potential conflict between my belief that "my calling is immutable", i.e. I can’t change it or dodge it. And, my other belief and behaviour that I could determine the path.
Later, after the call, it hit me!
Here I was "trying to do it my way!"
And, that ain’t possible with Callings.
In this case I MUST trust the process! Even scarier I don’t know the process.
An important aha!
But, one I’m still learning to live with.
Thanks Kathy, for your "bloody rational thinking!"