Career Testing: Yea or Nay?

Should I undergo Career Testing?

This is a common thought during the Plan phase of the career process — especially for multi-talented, creative professionals.

It’s one thing if you know that you have a talent, say for golf, and if someone like dad recognizes you do and then nurtures it, as happened with Tiger Woods.

It’s another thing entirely if you have several talents and nobody values them – as is often the case with brilliant, creative

I’ve worked with a number of these folks. And, eventually we come to the ‘testing’ question: Will career testing help?

Career testing CAN help, no question.

But, improperly do it can also further confuse an already confused person.

So, if you’re a multi-talented, creative professional here are 3 suggestions for getting the most out of Career Testing:

1. Work with a career coach who groks you!

You don’t think like other people. Your brain ain’t wired that way. So, for god’s sake don’t pick a career coach who thinks that career planning can be done by the books. Creative, multi-talented professionals need help from people who think ‘outside the box’.

2. Trust your intuition

You’ve probably succeeded at your ‘art’ by listening to your intuition. Don’t let go of that practice just because you
are working with a career expert – it’s your career and your life. Look at the test results, listen to the advice, but only take what fits for you.

 3. Remember: Tests are only part of the picture

Career test can show you some possibilities that you never thought of. And, that’s great. But, they are only
test -an approximation of real life. Get out there into the world. Volunteer. Talk to other professionals. Get data from multiple sources.