I regularly use the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in my coaching and consulting work.
And, when I’m teaching the nuances of the concepts of Type, I often explain to folks that there is such a creature as the Shy Extravert — I KNOW, I’m one — and a Sociable Introvert.
As I’ve trugged through my Neutral Zone experience I’ve been noticing the impact of that experience on me. One big thing I’ve noticed is how I’ve cut back on my Blogging — both doing and reading.
Why is that?
Well Typologically speaking, the theory is that as I, an Extravert, experiences stress I will first become MORE Extraverted. For me that means first I become BIGGER, LOUDER, more out there and more INTUITIVE (what with Extraverted Intuition being my most preferred function). At some point, I will flip into Introverted Sensing (the Inferior version).
Without exploring the "truthiness’" of the theory let’s just say that I do note that as I become more vulnerable, more thin skinned, during the Neutral Zone journey I become more Introverted-like. I withdraw from the world.
Yet, I note my Introverted colleagues seem to be much more Extraverted in their writing. They put stuff out there in the Blogosphere that I’d never share — even with my therapist.
I wonder why?
I don’t know. Maybe you have a theory. I’m open to comments.
Musings on a weekend morning.