In my last post I said it was important, if not critical, that you know your own rhythyms: sleep cycle, energy cycle, mood swings, and the like.
Artistic-types don’t live 9 to 5 lives. Don’t have 9 to 5 rhythyms.
For example, my current sleep cycle has me in bed by 8, 9 at the latest. And, up by 3.
Crazy? Yes! But, it is the way it is.
A good friend who is a writer though has a much different cycle. She’s going to bed just as I’m getting up.
Am I right and she wrong?
We’re different.
As another writer told me when I talked about creating more time, "Don’t tell me to get up early! I know me! It won’t work."
And, she does.
Like my friend this writer likely has a different sleep/energy rhythym. Much different from mine.
When do you have energy? When are you most creative?
Identify your peak energy and creativity periods. Then schedule/plan to do your creative work then.
Save paperwork, mundane stuff, and errands for down time.
Work with your rhythyms…. not against them!