Dream Time Questions

Steven Covey said it best in "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", "start with the end in mind."

That’s why I encourage my coaching clients to start with The Dream.

But, how do you Dream?

Some folks are really good at Dreaming, in fact too good (more on that in a later post).

But, others of you may have trouble articulating your dreams.

Here’s some questions to get you going?

– What did you first want to be/do when you grew up? You know your 7-year old self’s fantasy.

– What do you literally dream about? Do you have recurring visions of yourself in a new role?

– What do you read for pleasure? The magazines and non-fiction books you habitually choose say a lot about your interests — and, perhaps your calling.

– What career tests have you taken? What do they say about you?

– Have you ever felt a sense that you were called by god to do something? What?

– What would you do even if you didn’t get paid?

– What do people spontneously tell you you’re really good at?

– If you look ahead to your death bed, what would you most regret not having done work-wise?

Take some time and answer the preceding questions.

Then look for common threads and messages. This will be a clue to your Calling.