How Does Your Garden Grow?

It’s been a rainy “Spring” here in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies.

We’re just rearranging the flower gardens in our back yard, making room for a new garden shed. The rain is a blessing — it  means I don’t have to water them.

But, in a couple of months, if we have our usual hot, dry prairie Summer, I’ll be out every few days watering the plants. If don’t they”ll wither and die!

How come I know that about plants BUT I forget that principle when it comes to my Creative Garden?

I’m reading Julia Cameron’s latest masterpiece, “Finding Water”. I was struck by this quote from Abraham Maslow, “A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be.”

Yet, when pressed for time what do I give up? My writing!

And, I see that in my friends who are writers and eclectic creatives.

And, then they get SICK. They WITHER.

If I am to flourish I must DO my ART!

I must water my Creative Garden.

One way to do that is Blogging.

What will you do to Water Your Garden?