Last post I talked about the idea that moving from what we like to what we love is a Transition.
It’s NOT a simple change. It’s a psychological shift, a change of mind in a very significant way.
That’s why it so blooming hard to let go.
It’s like our blankie. Out soo soo.
It’s what’s sustained us for months, years, or decades. It’s been our identity.
Take myself for example.When I left my ‘real’, corporate job it took me a year to commit to something else. Then I went to school and got a masters degree at Pepperdine University’s MSOD program. On April 14, 1988 I got my bright shiny new degree and began identifying my self as an Organization Development or OD consultant.
People would say, "what do you do for a living?" I’d reply, "I’m an OD consultant" Puzzled looks would ensue and I’d explain all about my training in Change Management.
It took me a long time to make the shift to this new identity.
And, then several years ago that suit of clothing didn’t fit any more.
But, if I wasn’t an OD consultant, what was I?
I tried coach. I tried mentor. I went back to coach.
But, teacher felt best in some ways. Yet, I have strong negative associations with the word. Probably, like me, few of you had a decent teachers in school. I can count the really, really good teachers on the fingers of one hand. And, many were really awful and created a lot of pain in my life.
Finally, I settled on coach because that seemed to be what other’s understood best. Yet, what I really think of myself as is as a mentor.
Because mentor means, "wise and gifted teacher." The orginal mentor was Athena who took the guise of the teacher of Telemachus, Odysseus’ son.
So, for me… and for you.
Part of beginning to end the old career, is to let go of the old identity.
And to start calling yourself by your new title.
Start today.
Tomorrow’s post: More on Letting Go