In Gratitude

Here in the Great White
North, also known as Canada,we’ve just finished up our Thanksgiving.

In the spirit of
Thanksgiving I want to express Gratitude for some important people in my life.
In no particular order, they are:

My family for putting
up with me and for their flexibility in dealing with the ups and downs caused
my Fibromyalgia,

Dr. Barry Morris ( for being there every time I need a shoulder to
cry on and for his wise business advice,

Clarence Thomson ( for his spiritual guidance and great sense of

Trisha Cupra ( for her amazing web design skills and for her
patience teaching me WordPress,

Mark Silver ( for his heart-centred, spiritual view of business
and for sustaining a wonderful community at The Tent,

Lynn Lambert ( for her eclectic approach to healing and her enthusiastic support of
my business,

All my clients present
and past who have challenged me to help them and who have made me a better
coach and person, and

Last but not least, all
of you who read these musings, meanderings, and messages.


By the way, did you
know that according to Psychology
expressing gratitude can make you feel better?

Who and what are you
thankful for? Please add your comments here at my blog.