How do you deal with pain?

Do you handle it  well? Or, do you bitch, moan, and whine?

Pain’s no fun!

But, pain can be your friend.

I know because I’ve suffered from chronic pain for more than 8 years. And, it’s taught me some critical Life Lessons. I’ll talk about those later.

How is pain a friend? And, what has this got to do with  fear?

Pain is our friend because it tell us that something isn’t right. Something’s off. Something’s not working.

If we fear pain, we run from it.

Instead, if we breath into the pain, and lessen it, and listen to it. We can learn what’s not right…

and, change it.

Next time you feel pain. Breath. Listen. Find the cause. Make changes. Live better.

Have a super weekend!

And, live fearlessly!