Killing Me Softly

I know several independent professional women who are DRIVEN!

And, killing themselves… not so softly.

They keep going and going… pushing, driving, even when they’re ‘coughing
up a lung’.


Can you say it?


Many, maybe most, of the independently employed women I know FEAR living on
the streets, eating dog food. They have "Bag
Lady Syndrome

What is BLS?

From what I’ve observed it’s the irrational fear that – in spite of all
evidence to the contrary – they will suddenly, spontaneously lose everything
they own — and, be living on the street, begging.

It’s nuts!

Perfectly sane (well mostly 😉 women who can run any meeting, manage a mega project, beat out most guys, and they just can’t STOP working!

So, they get ‘little’ things like Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Asthma, Pneumonia, and other stress-related conditions. And, still they keep going!!

Don’t matter none what their friends or husbands or partners or lovers say.

They is running scared!

So, folks help me here PLEASE…

how do we get them to STOP

and take care of themselves?

I’m asking for your ideas!!