Lunch With Andrea

In 2001 I joined a ‘little’, start-up, coaching organization called Coachville.

I was attracted to the genius of it’s founder, Thomas Leonard. The price of membership was attractive: $ 79.00! Within months I was deeply enmeshed in the "love puddle" that was CV then. I was a member of several of T’s (as those who loved him called him) R & D teams. It was exciting, exhilirating, provocative, engaging, and occasionally maddening.

One of T’s many talented colleagues was a woman named Andrea Lee. Andrea was Coachville’s General Manager — and seemed to be everywhere, doing everything, tending the flourishing Garden that was Coachville. Groups, programs, classes, websites, and ezines were springing up everyday — blooming like colourful flowers.

One such ezine/site was called Full Practice. The goal of Full Practice was to help CV members learn how to create, well er, full practices. I love to write. And, I had this crazy notion that after 17 years in business I might actually know something about how to fill a practice. Besides, my own ezine at the time was called, Focus On Practice (back in those days I called myself a FOCUS Coach).

So, I contacted Andrea and suggested I could write an article on the "Top Ten Ways to Build Your Practice". Andrea was delighted to do so and encouraged me to submit an article. I was delighted and scared — but, did so anyway. The article garnered some good feedback.

But, more than the article being published was the seeding of a new relationship that was to grow into a friendship.

Fast forward 2 years. Thomas Leonard suffers a heart attack and dies. Coachville begins it’s slow descent into oblivion. Andrea, the amazing BUSINESS woman that she is, wisely lets go and moves on. (Something the rest of us, me, are still having trouble with). Following her Bliss, Andrea creates and launches "Multiple Streams of Coaching Income" and writes THE book on the subject (it’s sitting right next to me on my career resource bookshelf).

I subscribe to Andrea’s newsletter and Blog. I watch her grow her business ’empire’. I stand in awe. Finally, one day I realize — DUH! — that Andrea lives in the same city as me. I screw up my courage and send her an email suggesting we get together for lunch. Days pass. I think, "Oh sh-t! I’ve been to forward. Too pushy. Why would she want to have lunch with me? Who the hell do I think I am?"

She writes back and says she’d be delighted. Delighted! I’m practically orgasmic. I get to have lunch with NONE OTHER than THE Andrea Lee.

Lunch is set 2 months out — Andrea is one busy woman!! Then I get sick. My fibro kicks in. I’m in so much pain I even forget lunch is scheduled till I get a frantic e-mail from Andrea asking to confirm lunch. I call her and beg off.

Months pass. The pain dwindles. September arrives and the pain is gone — for the most part. So, I reach out and reconnect. After numerous emails lunch is confirmed for Friday, November 17th. I’m excited — and nervous.

Finally, the day arrives. I walk down Stephen Avenue Mall, Calgary’s downtown, outdoor pedestrian concourse, find the door to the Rose Garden Thai House, walk up to the 2nd story, sit down at the table Andrea has thoughtfully reserved, order a Thai coffee, and…


Ten minutes pass. Twenty. And, the Little Voice starts saying, "She’s NOT coming!"

Then I look up and there she is . . .

(To be continued)