Moving From A to Z

It’s one thing to make a job change within one’s field of
expertise. But, what do you do when you want to shift from career A to a very
different career Z?

While going from A to Z may not be as easy as going from A to A Prime, it IS
possible to do so. It’s just a matter of applying the same principles of
Unleashing Creative Careers.

Let’s look at an example based on a real case.

For years, when it comes to what he really wants to do, X has talked of two
things: Writing and Travel. X has chosen to stay in a 9 to 5 job that is well
beneath his intelligence — and capabilities. I’m not sure why but I’d guess it
offers ‘enough’ income and security (emotional and physical).

But, is X happy. No! If you listen carefully and watch you hear the fairly
frequent complaints and watch the periodic attempts to get a different job.

Recently X asked me (in essence) "how does a person move to a job that’s
totally different from what you are doing to one that appeals but for which I
have no skills?"

A very good question.

I’ll answer it over the course of the next several posts.