
When You Feel Lost

You know you’re not happy with your job and life. Yet, whenever you try to get in touch with what you really, really want, you draw a blank. The answer lies in moving into your Creative Expression. One very useful exercise is Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages. Simply sit your bum in a chair and write….

Escape From "The Batty Zone"

Last post I talked about my experience of "The Batty Zone". Today I want to share a few thoughts about ‘escaping’ or at least moving away from this place of craziness. What can you do when you’re in The Batty Zone.  Get Help When I was doing the research for my Masters degree, I had…

The Batty Zone

I was chatting with my e-buddy, mentor, and copy writing muse Barry Morris yesterday. I had asked for his help in sorting out this messy, emotional muddle my brain was in. One of the issues we were discussing was the transition of my website to WordPress I made a suggestion about next steps and Barry’s…

Specialist or Generalist?

My client are all bright, seasoned, multi-talented, and often eclectic, professionals. And, as Martha Stewart is oft quoted as saying, "that’s a good thing!" And, like so many ‘good things’ it has a down side. Here’s the conundrum. When people go looking for help they tend to want a specialist. For example, we bought a…

Throwing Out The Baby

Creative types love ideas and newness. Ideas are easy, fun, exciting, enervating. Bringing them to fruition is hard, bloody work. And, when faced with challenges, bumps in the road, we have a tendency to "throw the baby out with the bath water!" Interestingly, I just learned this expression was originally a German proverb. Back to…

Andy Wibbels Interviews Seth Godin!

Two of my most favourite experts in ONE SPOT! From Andy’s blog: "Conventional wisdom tells us that success is all about perseverance. Never giving up. Sticking to it when the “going gets rough.” After all, quitters never win and winners never quit. Right? Nothing could be further from the truth. Find out why New York…

Lyle Lachmuth Interviews Andy Wibbels

Please join me Tuesday, June 26th for the FINAL Genre Busters(TM) Podcast of this season.      You won’t want to miss my special guest, Andy Wibbels. Andy is the author of Blogwild! A Guide for Small Business Blogging. Andy’s been blogging for more than 6 years, is "The Original Blogging Evangelist", and as far…

Are You Type H?

Most of my coaching clients are women. And, several of them suffer from fibromyalgia or other conditions that cause severe pain. When I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia Dr. Donaldson suggested that I was "Type A". I didn’t agree then. And, I don’t completely agree now. Sure I can be driven and competitive but years of…

From the Other Side: Tips From Writers 4 Editors

Voice from the other side: Tips for Editors via Mediabistro

Problogger Confidential

Andy Man is at it again! The man who brought you Easy Bake Weblogs and Blogwild, now brings you Problogger Confidential. Waz zat, you say. The chance to tune in and learn from some of the top PRO Bloggers today. Check out the details at Problogger Confidential.