Throwing Out The Baby

Creative types love ideas and newness.

Ideas are easy, fun, exciting, enervating. Bringing them to fruition is hard, bloody work.

And, when faced with challenges, bumps in the road, we have a tendency to "throw the baby out with the bath water!" Interestingly, I just learned this expression was originally a German proverb.

Back to the point.

I think that as creatives we have this optimistic hope that we can find the Ideal Solution that will magically solve all our problems. That ONE thing, one Big Idea will fix it all.

Probably not. Hasn’t happened yet for me in 59+ years.

So, when we start implementing a new idea and run up against challenges. We CHUCK the whole thing. And, out goes ‘the baby with the bath water!’

What I’ve been trying to do is resist this temptation. When I feel the urge to chuck it and look for a Big New Idea… I take a breath. Look to see exactly what’s not working. What IS the problem? And, then see if i can TWEAK something.

That way the dirty water gets chucked and my baby, my great idea, gets saved!