Rediscover Your Passion Tele-Clinic

When it comes to your work, have you lost “that lovin’ feeling”?

Remember when you leapt out of bed in the mornings. Remember when you couldn’t wait to get to work on your work. Remember when you were filled with ideas, energy, and joy.

Has your work lost its zing? Are you confused about why you got into business in the first place? Do you want to just pack it in?

What if you could reconnect with your Purpose? What if you could find new meaning in what you do? And, what if you could Rediscover Your Passion?

You can!

Please join me for:

TOPIC: “Rediscover Your Passion Teleclinic”

WHEN: Tuesday, January 15th

TIME: 3 pm Mountain, 2 pm Pacific, 4 pm Central, 5 pm Eastern, 6 pm Atlantic, 6:30 pm Newfoundlant 😉

DURATION: 90 minutes


To register for this hands-on, learning event. Send a blank email to

ONLY 100 spots available!