Taking the First Step

So, you want to change careers. And, you want to make a big shift.

What’s the first step?

You start by DREAMing.

Let’s go back to the Tale of X to illustrate this principle.

X wants to make a dramatic career shift, moving from his dull, non-soul rewarding job to an energizing, meaningful career.

His first project is to become clearer about his DREAMS. The good news is X is good at dreaming and like many Artistic-type professionals is good at imagining the future.

And, while imaging what you want to be and do IS important. Your DREAMing also needs to include some analysis, understanding, and specifics.

So, when I work with my clients in this phase of their Career F.O.C.U.S. I help them concretize and become specific about thier envisioned future.

Here’s some things to DREAM about: What work do you want to really, really do? What calls you? What calls you and frightens the hell out of you? Who do you want to work with? What relationships do you want to have? And, what do you want them to be like? What are you passionate about? What do you need to learn? What role do you want spirituality to play in your life and work? What contribution do you want to make to society?

Ponder these questions.

Write down your answers.

Chew on them.

When you do you will have a clearer picture of your DREAMS… and then you can move on to the PLAN phase.