Some 20 years ago one of my co-workers struggled with expressing her feminine energy in the macho world of the oil and gas company that employed us. Those were the days when John Malloy wrote his fashion manifesto, "Dress For Success".
My friend’s struggles with who she was and what ‘the corporation’ expected inspired the following poem.
Recently, some of my female clients seem to be struggling with similar issues related to expressing their feminine energy. This poem is dedicated to the two Kathys and everyone who struggles with expressing their unique self.
The Corporate Woman
Navy Pinstripe ice cube shell
Hiding who you really are.
Stolid, firm, corporate being.
Heartless bitch or so it seems.
Sterile, stainless, smooth exterior
Smoothering, seething passion’s fire
Fliny eyes, uncaring glance beam
Warmth inside goes scarcely seen.
Feelings bottled up inside
Escaping in moments seldom seen.
Unseemly, not important things
Yet, these are really you.
Who can really see you?
Who in fact dares?
Frightened by your fierce visage
Masking your tender soul.
None dares to search beyond
The frigid, icy image you project
To peer into the depths of you
And, see what cowers there.
A warm, caring Spirit,
Smiling, joyful heart, passionate being.
All of these you are, dear friend
If you’d but the courage to show!
© 1984 Lyle T.
Lachmuth, All Rights Reserved