The Essence of Your Career

Even if you’re a Genre Buster(TM) I believe you’ll find that your career has a ‘core’ or essence.

Take mine for example (please take it 😉

Though I have several talents, such as writing and speaking and photography, I’ve been recently reminded of that ONE core talent that God seems to want me to exercise.

I’m working with a colleague who specializes in consulting to congregations and their members. Thanks to her guidance I’m working my way through Spirit Given Gifts by David Ewart.

I haven’t had a chance to work through the feedback but the initial results were surprizing… and not!

My top scores were in Teaching, Hospitality, and Leadership. I’m still trying to understand the role of Hospitality in what I do and the nature of my Inspirational Leadership but…

As I’ve pondered those results I’ve come to ‘own’ the fact that the essence of my career is Teaching.

And, it gets reflected through other talents.

For example, I love to write. And, even though I’ve long dreamed of writing a best selling novel, whenever I sit down to write I most often wind up writing something instructive, something that teaches — instead of another paragraph of my unfinished mystery.

And, when I speak, even though I’ve been told my speaking is motivational and inspiring, I speak in a way that teaches and instructs. I have absolutely no desire to be or be known as a motivational speaker — I’m an "Instructional" speaker.

And, of course there’s my main career focus: coaching. What else is coaching but teaching?

Also, in my other life as a Change Implementation consultant I find myself often spending time teaching my clients. I’m not just content to for example, write a report. I have a burning need for them to be able to understand what I’m recommending so they can actually implement the changes.

So, I’m beginning to understand, again, the nature of my Calling — and, it’s Teaching.

What about you?

Does your career have an essence?