
Buzzing Your Blog – Tip #4

Yet another way to raise your Blog’s Buzz Factor is to make use of Trackbacks. What are Trackbacks? Here’s the introduction to "What is a Trackback" from Typepad’s help documentation: "In a nutshell, TrackBack was designed to provide a method of notification between websites: it is a method of person A saying to person B,…

Buzzing Your Blog – Tip #3

It’s been said that to be a great writer one needs to … read a lot … and write a lot. The same is true for Blogging … that special form of writing that ‘hangs it all out there’. And, to create traffic to your Blog. Don’t just read Blogs COMMENT on them. Make the…

Offend Someone Today!

Seth Godin makes a passionate argument for being marketable not electable. Seth suggests that to get a market or, more correctly, to get market share, we must be remarkable. And, to be remarkable we need to be among other things … well, us. That means some people — maybe a swack of them — are…

Is Your Job Killing You?

March 8th, 1985 I came within 5 minutes of dying. All because my job and my work environment had become increasingly toxic to me. Over the course of the prededing 3 years I had been hospitalized 3 times for clinical depression — and, suicide attempts. Over those same 3 years I had read countless books…

Freeing Up Writer's Block

The common issue in my coaching work this week has been "writers block". Now, the interesting thing is that you don’t have to be making a living as a writer, or trying to make a living as a writer to suffer from Writers Block. You just have to be in that messy situation where you…

The Hidden Gifts of The Inroverted Child

I wish I’d had Marti Olsen Laney’s "The Hidden Gifts of the Introverted Child" when my son was small. You see my son is(was) an Introvert. Poor lad grew up with 3, count ’em 3, Extraverts. At the time I thought he was just shy and quiet and thoughful. Then when I learned about the…

Uncovering an Artistic Career

I just recieved an email from a 17-year old who stumbled upon this blog. RB asked me for advice on finding jobs for artists. Here’s what I said (and a bit more): "First of all, congratulations on knowing at 17 what you want to be! My advice is to take it one step at a…

Buzzing Your Blog – Tip #2

There’s a bajillion Blogs in the Blogosphere! How do you attract folks to yours? In my last post I spoke about the obvious: ya gotta write! This post expands on that notion. To attract readers you need to write: With passion — Dull, insipid, stupid prose belongs anywhere BUT your Blog. It’s not like everything…

Buzzing Your Blog – Tip #1

Several of my clients have asked me about strategies for promoting their Blog. So, I thought I’d pen a few thoughts… in my Blog! What else?     Building Buzz for Your Blog – Strategy #1 This one seems obvious but …     Blog! Ain’t nobody gonna read nothing, if there’s nothing to read….

Focus On Three

There is some magic in 3: – Win, Place, Show– Gold, Silver, Bronze– The Father, The Son, The Holy Ghost I help my clients FOCUS by having them narrow their GOALS and efforts to 3 — at any one time. That is, they don’t have JUST 3 goals for their life and career. It’s just…