My Story

The Sadness Is With Me

The Sadness Is With Me The Sadness sits with my heart. Alone I feel, So, much alone and, sometimes I want to die, and, sometimes I want to run away, For the Sadness leaches through my soul, Permeating: Soul, body, mind, and marrow, and fills my being with naught but pain. Yet, run I not;…

Have You Ever Wanted To Boot Your Sister In the Ass?

1st the Back Story… My mother, actually step-mom who raised me from the age of 6, had a ‘substantial’ heart attack March 10th. At first we, the family, thought she had skated through with little damage. However, as time passed and information trickled in from her care givers — an immensely frustrating aspect of our…

What's Sex Got To Do With IT?

This post’s title is a riff on one of my fav Tina Turner tunes, “What’s Love Got To Do With It”? Well, for those of us whose chronic pain orginates from childhood sexual abuse; I’d say EVERYTHING! We’ve all heard about the Body/Mind thing. We’ve all heard about the Mind/Emotion thing. We’ve all heard about…

Those Pesky Side Effects

All meds, whether man made or natural, have side effects. And, if anybody is going to get them… it’s me. So, two weeks ago I convinced my GP to let me try out Effexor XR (in another post Ill explain why I believed this could make a difference). Within 2 days, YES 2 days, I…

Fibromyalgia: Tired & Wired

Got that old ‘tired and wired’ feeling this morning because I woke at 1:00 a.m. and could not get back to sleep. I am thinking that I may need to drop my dosage of Effexor. But, first I am going to cut out doing my light therapy. Man my brain is racing but my body…

A Way To Work WITH Fibromyalgia?

After 9 months I was finally able to write a new newsletter today.  YEAH!!! That happy event took place because of, at least, three things. Less pain More energy (mainly psychic although the physical IS important) A new strategy The first two things are pretty obvious. So, I want to focus on the new writing…

Icarus Redux

It is frustrating as hell to feel so good yesterday and in so much pain today. Yesterday I felt ALIVE, free, my brain was full of energy, ideas. I felt silly and happy, amorous and flirty. Now the pain is back. I can barely type because my upper arms are being crushed. I have those…

The Mice Are Scampering

I am pain free today … YEAH! But, after having been in severe pain for 4 days, the thoughts in my brain are scampering like mice chased by a cat on acid! Oooh! So many ideas! So many things I could do! Oooh! I'm distracted and gotta go.

I Want To Flee

A poem 'inspired' by Fibromyalgia (and wind) … I Want To Flee  I want To flee Into the empty pages Of the night.  The pain Crushes me And I cannot Resist.   The pain owns My soul, And me And wants To be repaid In currency I seem to not have.   So, in agony…

Blowin' In The Wind

The pain has been bitchin' awful since midnight. That's when the Chinook blew in. Winds right now are 46 kph but have been as high as 70 kph. There is no further doubt in my mind that Chinooks trigger the Fibro pain. The question though is: is it the wind or the pressure shift? I…