My Story

The Hardest Thing About Pain

Some days I think it was easier when I was in pain every day. Bone grinding pain every day sucks no question. But, it's harder for me constantly shifting from pain to no pain and back to pain again. Take today for instance. (PLEASE take it!) My pain went away yesterday about 11 in the…

Some Things Don't Always Work

This will be quick as I've been in major pain all day. Today illustrates one of those 'evil' principles of dealing with Fibro. Namely, what helped before may not help today. A lot of times if I soak in a very hot bath (with Epsom salts); that soaking seems to trigger an end to the…

The Worst Thing About Fibromyalgia

Let me say first of all that any posts here by me reflect my experience and my opinions. Fibromyalgia is a multisymptom condition and not everybody has the same symptoms and certainly not to the same degree. So, I will talk about what I've experienced, what I've tried, what's worked, and what hasn't. I do…

Flying High In April, Shot Down By May

In early April last year I drove to Banff,Alberta to attend and present at the annual conference of the Calgary Coach Connection. I was excited to spend time with other coaches and to pilot some new ideas. Three weeks later I was trapped in bed in excruciating pain. My Fibromyalgia had returned. I can handle…

Me Time!

I just had one of the worst days of pain in recent memory. It sucked!! Rain. Cold. Damp. Wind. Almost guaranteed to bring on pain. And, they did. It was a shitty, cold, damp day yesterday. And, I was in pain all freaking day. Here’s what I going to do to ‘ensure’ this pain doesn’t…

Ending Your Pain – Physical Strategies

I want to start with the obvious . . . the physical aspects of pain . . . and ways to heal that pain. The basics: We are wired to FEEL pain. Why? To protect us. We touch the hot stove. We HURT! We pull away. Phew! No, more burny. But, what the heck do…

The Healing Power of Purpose?

I’m not sure if this is true… but I’m hoping it is. I’ve been struggling with severe, incapaciating pain for the last 2 months. Some things I conciously did, like neurotherapy for my fibromyalgia, worked — that is, they helped reduce or eliminate the pain. But what’s been really crazy making  is that one day…

Dancing With My Muse

I wrote this post about "Dancing with My Muse" over at Creative Careers Unleashed. It’s got me thinking about the relationship between pain and pleasure. I’ve noticed that when I feel the building rush and tingle of sensual pleasure… and push it down, suppress it… then I immediately feel the crush of myalgic pain. I…

The Monster Behind My Eyeballs

What happens when you feel tired? Does the "Monster" take up residence behind your eyeballs? You know the one that whispers in your ear. Dis-couraging advice like: "Why bother?" "Give it up! You”ll never succeed." "Nobody wants your talents." "Why don’t you just jump…" I don’t remember where I first heard this advice, but it’s…

Consulting the Oracle

One of the coolest tools I have for consulting my Inner Self is the set of cards published as Treasures from Tikashi. Read here to learn the orgins of these 75 cards. A former Gestalt therapist had these and we would occasionally use them during sessions to provoke dialogue and direction. Each card features a…