
10 Truths About Pain

The October 2005 issue of Psychology Today contains an article titled, Ten Mostly Pleasant Truths About Pain. I didn’t catch the article when PT arrived because, well I was in pain and just filed the issue for later. Worth looking at! My favourite is #6! Maybe your’s too.

Listen To The Body

This past Friday (Nov 25) I went to an all day workshop. I was excited to attend because I had wanted to take this workshop for several years and it had never been offered before in Calgary. I also had a little trepidation. I had just attended a workshop the week before with the same…

The Gift of Gratitude

Thursday is Thanksgiving Day in the United States, an annual occasion to give thanks, to express gratitude — and eat your face off. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like you have a lot to be grateful for. Especially when you are in excruciating pain. I remember lots of times lying in bed in severe pain, wishing…

The Power of Journalling

Memory is a funny thing. Well, at least mine is. You think you remember how it was but in fact it wasn’t quite that way at all. Here’s an example from my life. For years I’ve remembered the time whilst I was in graduate school as the best ever. I was learning, phenomenally creative, madly…

Simple Tools Can Yield Great Results

I currently work on contract to the Alberta Medical Association. My work as a Change Management resource exposes me to a lot of physicians. Most are my clients: family doctors, surgeons, and other specialists who need help managing the change that comes with introducing new office systems. Occasionally I meet the physicians who are part…

How To No Your Limits

Last post I suggest that one key to eliminating pain was to say No. Heard that before? Probably. So, how’s it going? I don’t know about you, but if "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions" then I have a PhD in paving! Saying No, Respecting my limits, is one of those Intentions…

No Your Limits

Have you ever been told, "know your limits?" I’ve heard it a bajillion times! Probably started when I was a kid. Maybe the same for you, the time you jumped off the garage roof. Oops! Maybe that was me. So, do you know your limits. Probably. If you suffer pain, unexplained, mystery, crippling pain then…

Managing Your Energy

I’ve often said that it’s unfair that kids have so much more energy than we do. After all they piss it away on playing… and playing. Hmm! Wait a minute. What would I do with more energy? Well, I can tell you that my bad, bad, bad habit has been to engage in the W…

Pain and Sleep

It’s a frosty day… and I’m in pain. But, it’s not just the cold and damp (which often trigger Fibromyalgia). It’s the lack of sleep. I woke with pain (a reaction to an OTC) at midnight and didn’t get back to sleep. 4 Hours just isn’t enough sleep. Ideally it’s 7 or 8. So, what…

Type A?

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I went for an assessment at Myosymmetries. I was hoping that they’d tell me a) Yes, you have Fibromyalgia and b) we can help. Both wishs came true. But, what I didn’t expect to hear was, "You know the trouble with you Type A’s is that you’re Type…