
Sit With The Pain

So, the leg is acting up… Hurts like freakin hell. Doc, says (this time) could be Sciatica. Swell, that’s diagnosis 4 1/2. Didn’t take the good drugs on the weekend… ran out. Man oh man, ya appreciates drugs when ya don’t got em. Just off the phone with my favourite clinical pschologist Dr. Karen Shue….

Talk to The Pain

If you’ve been following along these last 13 days, you know that I somehow ‘injured’ my left leg. I put injured in quotes for a couple of reasons. One, none of the medical professionals I talked to really knew what was wrong… or what happened… or why. Two, something I read yesterday, causes me to…

It's Never Just One Thing

When you are dealing with non-specific pain like that associated with fibromyalgia, lupus, MS, nerve damage, and others — it usually takes more than a pretty pink pill to end it. I’ve been grappling with severe, lengthy episodes of pain since the Fall of 2002. And, I’ve tried a lot of things to make that…

It's a Pain!

Last weekend I buggered up something in my left leg ‘system’. I’ve been to 2 docs and gotten 4 opinions. Swell! Ever happened to you? So, who do you believe? What’s great is the first doc, my family doc, wants me to get an ultrasound to check out the, hopefully slim, possibility that the problem…

Make Stress Work For You

What’s the relationship between pain and stress? I’m guessing you’d say, "pretty clear!" Up goes stress, up goes pain. So, how do you reduce stress in a crazy, info-glutted, Crackberry world? Take a walk. Yeah, it can be that simple. Oh, and on that walk… take a deep breath or six. And, when you’ve wound…

Good Drugs

Some time on the weekend I fubared my left leg. The pain is astonishing. Sharp. Stabbing. Doesn’t matter where I move my leg, it hurts. It’s  a matter of finding the position where the pain is least. The doc wasn’t sure what the problem is. Going for sonogram to check for the slim possibility of…

Delayed Reaction

It’s a cloudy Tuesday, the temperature hovering near -3 C. I’ve been sleeping better and longer lately. So, why am I so damn tired! And, why do I hurt all over? Then it hit me! Delayed reaction. Have you ever cut yourself on something really sharp? So, sharp that you don’t notice the cut until…

Please Nominate This Blog

Howdy! If you enjoy reading this Blog please nominate it as Best Canadian Blog here. Just scroll way, way down, find the form for Best Canadian Blog, fill in your name, your e-mail and the URL of this blog — http://lyletlachmuth.typepad.com/end_the_pain/ YES, the Bloggies are back. This annual bestival of Blogging features Blogs from around…

A Pain in the Butt

One of the joys of Fibro is the "pain in the butt" feeling. Apparently, tender points are the cause. But, what causes tender points? According to Dr. Stuart Donaldson of Myosymmetries tender points and other pain associated with Fibro is ’caused’ by "bad messaging" between the brain and muscles [my words]. As I understand it,…

A New Year's Practice

My  current newsletter  talks about replacing resolutions with practices. My morning’s walk is a time for exercise, reflection, dreaming, and planning. This morning it occured to me that what had made a real difference in my pain level were the practices I had instituted. So, I thought to ask my inner guides what the #1…