
Born Highly Sensitive?

Are folks born highly sensitive? Or, does time and circumstance make them that way? Probably, some of both. Elaine Aron, in her book The Highly Sensitive Person, suggests that’s the case. Certainly I’ve seen children who from birth seemed fragile and delicately sensible.  Another book cites research that shows that at birth there are 3…

Over Sensitive?

Have you ever been accused of being over sensitive? I am frequently. And, I’ve wondered: Am I? If so, where did my oversensitivity come from? And, is it necessarily a bad thing? Okay. I’m ready. I admit I am highly sensitive. Note: I didn’t say over sensitive. Is that bad? Yes and no. No, because…

The Inner War

The post might also have been titled "When Your Body is at War With Itself". Have you ever had the experience of picking up a book and thinking,"not much here," only to return to it later and find all sorts of valuable ideas. That’s the case for me with  When The Body Says No. Recently…

When The Body Says No

Whose Problem Is It?

Just got off the phone with a friend/colleague. Like me she has a tendency to be over-responsible. A common trait I’ve observed in Helpers and folks with chronic illnesses. I suffer from Fibromyalgia and her from Migraines. She had called to ask for advice with a ‘problem’ client. As we talked it through it became…

Pay Attention

If you want to feel better. And, be better. You need to learn to pay attention. You need to see what makes your pain get better, get worse, or has no effect at all. Paying attention is not easy for some of us. I’m an Intuitive type and live in my head, dreaming dreams, and…

WELCOME To End the Pain

Howdy! And, welcome to End the Pain a Blogful of advice, information, ideas, and musings about ways to reduce and eliminate the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual pain in your life. Pain can suck your energy. Stifle your creativity. Ruin your productivity. And, at its worst destroy your life! My goal is to provide you…


For those who missed my last post, here’s a bit of review. The first step in Career Planning is to create Your VISION. The difference in FLEXI-CAREER planning is that I suggest you use visual tools: a collage, drawings, pictures, whatever. Or, here’s a twist. If you’re one of those few folks who’s an auditory…


Don’t know who you are? Had a good crisis lately? Stuck? Feeling really bloody sorry for yourself? WELCOME! You’re in the right end of the universe. Turning Points is the Blog companion to my ezine, Turning Points, written for creative, unconventional professionals who want to get a life! THE life of their dreams that is!…