
Dream Time Questions

Steven Covey said it best in "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", "start with the end in mind." That’s why I encourage my coaching clients to start with The Dream. But, how do you Dream? Some folks are really good at Dreaming, in fact too good (more on that in a later post). But, others…

Taking the First Step

So, you want to change careers. And, you want to make a big shift. What’s the first step? You start by DREAMing. Let’s go back to the Tale of X to illustrate this principle. X wants to make a dramatic career shift, moving from his dull, non-soul rewarding job to an energizing, meaningful career. His…

Moving From A to Z

It’s one thing to make a job change within one’s field of expertise. But, what do you do when you want to shift from career A to a very different career Z? While going from A to Z may not be as easy as going from A to A Prime, it IS possible to do…

The Power of Three

I read a fascinating newsletter on success that advocates paying attention to 10 aspects of success plus 10 sub aspects of each. That’s 100 things to focus on!! Sheesh! Not me! And, I don’t think I’m alone in finding that we’ve already got a lot on are brains. Yet we do want to succeed and…

Pay Attention to Your Muse

Have you ever had this experience? You were about to do something and a wee, tiny, little voice inside suggested something else.  That’s been happening to me all morning.  I’ve have tons of work to do for my ‘real’ job: a contract to do Privacy Impact Assessments. Exciting stuff, eh?  Yet, what I have been…

Going In Circles

Have you ever felt like you were going in circles? It seems to happen to me quite often. And, I written about it a lot in my newletter . I call it The Spiral of Life. For me, the goal is to be climbing the Spiral, getting closer to my Vision. Not descending, falling back,…


Howdy! I have decided to create a new Blog dedicated solely to my adventures and learning related to getting healthy. Please visit End The Pain for future posts on this topic. Thanks and see you there.


This is for Jag, and all the other readers who suffer from the pain of Fibromyalgia. I’m going to refer to you a Blog post I wrote that describes my most recent course of treatment for FMS and how it helped. Gotta run. Too much work. Too little time. Peace.


It’s not hard to notice that I’ve been away for a long time. I took a vacation … and didn’t come back. June 28th I landed in Nova Scotia, tired, hungry, and jet lagged. The next morning I felt great. But, by that afternoon I was in severe pain. And, over the course of the…

The JUST Right Focus – Part 3

Okay! So, Artistic-types get caught up in the flow? And, conventional techniques don’t work so well. What  CAN you do? You can ADAPT conventional techniques. Here are some ideas: Make lists… but make shorter ones.      Strive to list your MAJOR goals (for the year, for the quarter) on ONE      page. And,…