
Are You a Writing Mother?

Faster than a speeding Slinky(R)! Able to leap Legos(R) in a single bound! Able to breast feed while typing one-handed! Can exist on 2 hours sleep! It’s a bird! No, it’s a plane! No, it’s Writing Mother! If you’re a Work at Home Mom (WAHM) AND a writer, then check out this new blog: The…

March 4, 2007 Podcast

Welcome to the Creative Careers Unleashed Podcast series. Today… why Money ISN'T and SHOULDN'T be the only reward for creative professionals.

Easy Bake Weblogs – Not Just For Little Susie!

It’s time! Yep! It’s time you learned just how easy it is to create and maintain your own Blog. Join the master, Andy Wibbels, author of BlogWild!, for the next installment of  Easy Bake Weblogs. You know you wanna!

[CCU] #64 Evoke Your Dreams

In this issue: In order to develop and live a successful career as a Genre Buster, you must master the ability to Evoke. CREATIVE CAREERS UNLEASHED!  The online Career/Life/Work Newsletter For Genre Busters(TM)  From Lyle T. Lachmuth The Unsticking Coach(TM)  Want to subscribe? Please enter your name and e-mail address in that box over on…

Coming Out

I belong to an online group for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered professionals. For what it’s worth I think I’m the only so-called straight person there. Recently, I asked about the whole "coming out" issue. "Why", I asked, "is there such a big foo fra when a celebrity comes out?" The answer can be summed…


I so love Phishing scams. "Oh. pluzes. My name is Mrs.Beeg One. I have all this money to give you…" Or, the one from the bank. "You’re account has been compromised…" except its from a bank in another country. Now, there’s a way to get back at the Phishers. Check out PhishTank. Create an account….

Resistance Is NOT Futile

Abe Maslow, famous for his Hierarchy of Needs, defined our ultimate need: Self Actualization as follows, “Being free of the good opinion of others!” I like that phrasing. People – well meaning, caring – people are always suggesting – sometimes pushing ‘cures’ at me! Look folks! I know you think you have the answer. And,…

Ending Your Pain – Physical Strategies

I want to start with the obvious . . . the physical aspects of pain . . . and ways to heal that pain. The basics: We are wired to FEEL pain. Why? To protect us. We touch the hot stove. We HURT! We pull away. Phew! No, more burny. But, what the heck do…

The 4 Dimensions of Pain

I’ve been thinking about this a long, long, long time. Finally, today it hit me! I’ve been SOOO focused on my physical pain that I neglected the fact that there are really 4 dimensions or aspects of pain. In fact, pain can come from 4 directions. What are they? The first is obvious: Physical Pain….

The Healing Power of Purpose?

I’m not sure if this is true… but I’m hoping it is. I’ve been struggling with severe, incapaciating pain for the last 2 months. Some things I conciously did, like neurotherapy for my fibromyalgia, worked — that is, they helped reduce or eliminate the pain. But what’s been really crazy making  is that one day…