
Point of No Return

A question that faces many of us — one that I struggle with — is, "When do I let go of that which pays to do that which I truly love." I suspect there is a point of no return.  A place where, once you are past it, you can no longer go back. A…

Staying On Vision

Whether you have a clear or fuzzy picture of your future, it’s important that you stay on track to that Vision. Here’s an easy way to do that. This idea comes from Francesca Blackstock of Tantric Path. Francesca suggests that each morning you ask yourself these 3 questions: Am I with who I want to…

Dancing With My Muse

I know few feelings more frustrating that having ‘that urge’ to create — in my case to write — and, yet when I move to write… nothing. My muse dances away. Which got me thinking, as I sit here somewhat empty headed… "What kind of dance do my Muse and I do?" And, why? Anyone…


And, aspiring GENRE BUSTERSâ„¢.  For several years I’ve wanted to develop and launch a career Action Group for creative, eclectic, multitalented, and/or unconventional professionals – in other words Genre Bustersâ„¢.  This group would provide a forum for Genre Bustersâ„¢ to:  · Clarify your Career Dreams and make them real and actionable, · Understand your Vocational Interests, Values,…

Are You a Scanner?

Last post I promised I talk more about Macro Niches… and I will. But, I wanted to share an exciting discovery. One of my favourite author’s on Careers is Barbara Sher. She’s just released a new book: It’s a very special book if you are a multi-talented professional. Here’s an excerpt from the chapter titled,…

Macro Niches

I’ve been self-employed for almost 22 years. And, for 22 years I’ve read everything I could about marketing and promotion. And, every time I turn around some self-proclaimed expert tells me, "Thou shalt find thy niche and exploit it!" Yeah, riiggght! Been there. Done that. Got the T-shirt. Got the coffee mug. And, especially got…

Passion Drives The World

PASSION DRIVES THE WORLD Passiondrives theworld,to loveandto hate.  It isthe fire,ignited by the souland the spirit,that fuelscreation —and destruction.  When fedwith love,when nurtured,cared,and lovinglyexpressed,it growsto faithfullyarticulatethe giftsreceivedfrom God.  When starved,repressed,denied,andlocked away,it festers,rots,andvomits outits pussy self.  So, loveyour passionorbeware! Tags: Creative Professionals, Passion, Poetry

Dealing With Job Rejection

This is for Paula who didn’t get that job in NYC she wanted. First, let’s talk about rejection. Why? A) Because, It hurts. Sometimes, it hurts tons. And, B) because until we deal with the emotional impact we can’t do an effective job of dealing with the ‘tasky’ stuff of job search. It’s clear to…

Inspire Yourself

Few things suck more than having a burning need to write but being stuck about what to write! It’s called Writers Block. Sounds about as serious as a stopped up drain. Or, blocked nasal passage. But, its worse… far, far worse. It’s constipation of the soul and spirit. And, it hurts like hell! How do…

One Woman's Story

This post by my good friend Kate Diamond makes some excellent points. Such as: Keep your eye on your vision even when digging in the sh-t jobs, Find ways to "DO" what you love, and Keep going! I look forward to the day when Kate resurrects "Menopause Barbie!"