
Give It A Rest

I’m just back from four days in beautiful Lake Louise . Four days of eating, resting, walking, eating — and, did I say resting? I knew before I left that I was tired. But, I didn’t realize how tired I was until I slowed down. How often has that happened to you? Worse yet, how…

Do It First

John Sarno says , pain is created by the subconcious to distract us from emotions that need/want to be released. If that’s the case how do we deal with pain that has that orgin? Why care? Why not just ‘put up with it’? Or, "tough it out’? You can. You can keep going in spite…

Shadow Syndromes

Here’s the link to John Ratey’s Shadow Syndromes. Remember: prices are in Canadian dollars.

Are you normal?

I have a rather large collection of non-fiction books. Well over a thousand. Many fall in the self-help, psychology, personal growth categories. Every once in a while, as I’m sitting on the chair that’s parked in front of the bookshelf containing the self-help collection, I glance through the books. That’s how I rediscovered John Ratey’s…

The Mindbody Prescription

Check out The Mindbody Prescription if you want to understand how repressed emotions create pain.

Walking in This World

Everytime I go to the library I wander past my favourite sections: Mysteries, Careers, and Self Help, to see what calls me. The other day I happened to spy a new, well new to me, book by Julia Cameron. It’s called, "Walking in This World: The Practical Art of Creativity." While floating in a hot…

Freeze the Pain

My friend and colleague Karen Shue introduced me to Freeze Frame a technique developed to help combat stress. At a time when I was in excruciating pain, Karen was thoughtful enough to suggest this technique, thinking that it might help. It did! In spades. And, the beauty of it is that it is so simple…

Express Yourself

A colleague recently recommended on her favourite books on dealing with pain, Dr. John Sarno’s Mindbody Prescription. I’ve only read the 1st chapter and already my worldview has shifted. It was like Sarno had been sitting in and watching my pain therapy session for the last year. Sarno’s approach is based on Freudian, yes! Freud,…

Pain is Not Your Friend

Last post, I talked about the value in pain: letting you know what’s awry. But, pain can be a pain in the ass (literally) and get in the %$#@ way! For the last 3 days I’ve been experiencing moderately severe pain. At least, moderate compared to the Big MoFo pain I was used to experiencing….

Pain Is Your Friend

You might ask, "How can pain be my friend? It’s $%#@ ruining my life!" At the risk of being Polly Anna-ish, I believe you can learn something from your pain. The original purpose of pain was to protect us. You touch the stove. You get burned. You don’t do it again. This principle is so…