
Dancing With My Muse

I wrote this post about "Dancing with My Muse" over at Creative Careers Unleashed. It’s got me thinking about the relationship between pain and pleasure. I’ve noticed that when I feel the building rush and tingle of sensual pleasure… and push it down, suppress it… then I immediately feel the crush of myalgic pain. I…

What Is Your True Measure?

What is your "true measure"? Samuel Johnson’s famous epigram says, "The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good." What about you? How do you measure yourself? Money? Status? Possessions? "Acheivements"? There’s another old saying, "Comparison are odius". Literally, that means that making a comparison smells,…

The Monster Behind My Eyeballs

What happens when you feel tired? Does the "Monster" take up residence behind your eyeballs? You know the one that whispers in your ear. Dis-couraging advice like: "Why bother?" "Give it up! You”ll never succeed." "Nobody wants your talents." "Why don’t you just jump…" I don’t remember where I first heard this advice, but it’s…


This is for Rumi T. SUPPORT  Each of usIs aloneAndYet not.  None but usLives insideThe bodyAndThe mind.  None other can know, taste,savour the fear, terror,happiness, delight,and ecstasy.  Pale empathiesWe share.Yet, living inside,AloneYields notCompleteness.  In TruthWe are islands.We alone chooseInsular statusOrConstruct bridges,Causeways,And, paths to others.  Connections are madeNot from oneRather the reachingOut of two.  You will…

Genre Busters™

Life was simpler in my dad’s day. So, were careers. My dad dropped out of school after grade 8, so he could help out on the family farm. Remember, this was during the “Great Depression”. When the farm sold the family moved into town and my dad got a job in a grocery warehouse. Then…

The Sound of Pain Dying

In Jr. High we had a quirky little English  teacher.  He was a fussy, little bird of a man, flitting around the classroom like a Sandpiper. Pausing for moments to glance over one’s shoulder then skittering to the next student. I still remember his detailed description of how to build a proper compost heap: carefully…

Let's Kill Shame!

Next to guilt… shame has got to be one of the most damaging emotions! I was really tired yesterday. So, spent a good chunk of the morning obsessed about decluttering. You know the routine. Papers, more papers, and even more papers ‘filed’, well, crammed really, into a quartet of boxes in the corner of my…

Technorati Profile

Technorati Profile

Consulting the Oracle

One of the coolest tools I have for consulting my Inner Self is the set of cards published as Treasures from Tikashi. Read here to learn the orgins of these 75 cards. A former Gestalt therapist had these and we would occasionally use them during sessions to provoke dialogue and direction. Each card features a…

Limping Along

I’ve always been able to relate to the cartoon showing three vultures sitting on a tree. One says to the others, "Patience my ass! I’m going to kill something." And, I’ve often joked (truth is disguised as humour) that my illnesses are God’s way of teaching  me patience. Apparently I’m still in the remedial class….